Grenada Underwater Sculpture Garden: The Gallery

Grenada Underwater Sculpture Garden: The Gallery

Grenada Underwater sculpture garden just like a gallery where the people who come in are schools of fish instead of people. In fact, you can find that very thing off the coast of Molinere Bay in Grenada. It’s a small Windward Island in the Caribbean. The British artist Jason deCaires Taylor made this underwater sculpture park. Instead of art lovers, there are long silver trumpetfish, colorful parrotfish, and the flashy sergeant major fish.

Grenada Underwater: An art show about fish

Grenada Underwater Sculpture Garden: The Gallery

Since more than ten years ago, these huge stone sculptures have been relaxing beneath, turning into a man-made reef. Vicissitudes, which has 26 life-size children holding hands in a circle, is one of the bright and scary pieces. You might find The Lost Correspondent, a sculpture that looks like a long-lost 1970s letter, as you swim along the surface. A BBC newsreader giving a message that only fish will understand.

Getting to know Grenada Underwater special charm

But Grenada is more than just art under the waves. The island has its own beat, and St. George’s, its center, is full of life and charm. Jamaica and Puerto Rico have lively vibes, but Grenada has a calm feel. To get from one side of the island to the other, you can drive in just 90 minutes. The mountain roads are beautiful.

Edwin, the guide, takes you on scenic trips.

Meet Edwin. He will show you all of Grenada’s great sights. Edwin takes you on a trip through narrow mountain roads. He used to host the weekly Grenada lottery show. You’ll see churning waterfalls, lakes in volcanic craters, old stone churches, and fields of nutmeg, cabbage, and sweet potatoes. All of this is happening against a background of hillsides full of mango, breadfruit, and fan palm plants.

Food from Spice Island in St. George’s

St. George’s is a spice haven because it was built around a horseshoe bay. Its covered market is like a big spice rack. It has medicines, seeds, pastes, and powders made from nutmeg, mace, and saffron that are grown in the area. This is the reason why lots of people call Grenada the Spice Island.

Grenada Sunsets and Smiles

Grenadinese people get very excited when it gets dark. As the sun goes down and the waves hit the shore, you say goodbye to Lottery Edwin. There is a room at the Calabash Hotel that faces the beach from which you can watch the burnt-orange sun go down into the water, leaving behind sculptures of happy people.

Grenada: A Place Where Even the Statues Are Happy

Edwin said that Grenada might not be a popular vacation spot, but it is great at making everyone smile, both above and below the water. Whether you’re looking at the underwater sculpture park or traveling the markets full of spices, Grenada’s unique charm will make you smile.